While this site is aimed at direct subscriptions and support of Clarkesworld, we know that there are certain advantages to using third parties to receive your subscriptions. For example, Weightless subscriptions can be automatically delivered to your Kindle, a valuable convenience we don’t currently offer. In addition to distribution, these third parties also shoulder the burden of support, giving us more time to work on content. In the end, we want you to choose the option that works best for you. For a details on the difference in fees we are charged for third party vs. direct subscriptions, see our FAQ.
Here’s a list of other places you can get a digital subscription to Clarkesworld.
B&N Nook Newsstand
Use your Nook or the Nook app to buy individual issues or subscriptions!
BUY HERE – barnesandnoble.com
Digital subscriptions to Clarkesworld and Forever Magazine are also available as rewards for supporting us with certain monthly pledge tiers at Patreon. This is the best option for people living in the EU.
Weightless Books
Sells EPUB (Nook, Kobo, Sony, etc.), MOBI, and PDF formats. You will be emailed about new issues as they become available for download. If you don’t have an ereader, you can use the files supplied by Weightless with the free Nook and Kindle apps for the Mac or PC. Unfortunately, they cannot take orders from people living in the EU.
Weightless is currently our only reseller than can offer gift subscriptions. More details in the comments section of our page there.